We are glad to announce that we have resumed our in-person services. Here’s what you need to know.
We are now able to open for our 11:00 AM English service, and our 5:00 PM Romanian service. While the main sanctuary is still not available, we will be hosting our church services in the Fellowship Hall, access through the driveway, all the way in the back.
Please note that we will be observing social distancing by asking everyone to remain six feet apart from others at all times while on church property, including when you are walking to your designated seating area and when you are seated, unless you are of the same household. This means we are asking everyone not to hug, kiss, or shake hands while on church property.
We also ask that you bring and wear a face mask, properly covering both your nose and mouth. If you don’t have one we’ll be glad to provide you with one. For your convenience, we’ve also made available hand sanitizer dispensers.
While we’re delighted to have our families return to church, please note that, for the time being, there will be no childcare provided. We recognize the fact that children want to socialize with others just as much as we do, but for everyone’s safety we would kindly ask that children stay with their family at all times.
We will not screen attendees as they arrive. Still, if you are sick, or you have been around someone that was sick, or if you feel that your health has been in any way compromised, we’re glad to continue to offer you the option of watching the service online from the comfort of your own home. If you or anyone in your family has had fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or loss of smell, or any other symptoms of COVID-19; or you have been exposed to the Coronavirus in the last 14 days; or if you or someone in your home has a pre-existing medical condition, we would kindly ask that you do not attend for now but rather follow us online
Our English service will begin at 11:00 AM and our Romanian service will be at 5:00 PM. Access is through the driveway in the back Fellowship Hall.
If you're not able to join us just yet, you can continue to watch our online services from the comfort of your home.
For more information do not hesitate to connect with us on our Contact Us page or by calling us directly at +1 (347) 408-0650